July 22, 2009
Today was my first experience with hospice where I was working alone. There was also another first. After leaving the Solace Hospice Center I realized that I was as healthy and happy as I left. This is important for me to notice. The past couple months I have had friends, clients and others bring up the subject of being an empath. This means when you are with someone you may take on some of the person’s ailments or conditions. This could be anger, pain, upset stomach and loss of appetite and general fatigue. Bringing this to my attention in conversation is Spirit’s way of saying you need to work on this. After thinking about it I realized I was doing this. Why this is bad. Not mentioning the obvious, there is also the fact that you can not do quality healing work when you are continually get sick. Also a lot of time and energy is being spent repairing yourself after a session. I have realized that when you have a weakness, you may also tend to match that energetically from someone who has the same issue. Mine is my stomach. I’ll get a knot right at the solar plexus and have to do energy work and burp to remove it. If I was working on someone with neausa or stomach cramps, I have to be careful. This could be challenging for me. And that is the best way to look at it, a challenge. Can I help this person and also feel better myself. If you feel tired afterward then you just used your energy to do the healing. Spirit has unlimited energy to give so just ask. There are many reasons this can happen. Most are hard for me to explain, but the main one is being ungrounded. If you are ungrounded you are easily influenced. When I went into the Solace Center I had a strong sense of me. I am healthy, happy, and there is no reason why I shouldn’t be when I leave. It worked. This is place is a good place to learn because the people there all have serious ailments. Most are crying out inside for attention, and so it could be easy to get lost in their dilemma.
Thank you Spirit for this important lesson.