Beth Huntzinger

LMBT License #10819


November 19, 2009

I’m free. I have come to the point where I am stepping from my present situation. It took all of me to agree on this. One part was stubborn, hanging on to a false sense of security. While I have been in this current situation I have learned so many lessons. Nothing is ever really a trap unless you stop learning. Now that I will have more space around me I can create space in my own mind. I can focus with extreme accuracy the intentions and next steps. I hope that my next lesson will be about manifestation. I will create a beautiful structure for people to evolve. A paradox really for structures are usually rigid. I want a place on the physical plane that helps humanity move toward its one and only goal. The goal to become one with Spirit on the physical plane. Essentially, a bridge which clarifies and simplifies this journey for others. Not so much that it excludes some paths over others, but helps people grow on their own path. One of the most frustrating and confusing aspects of this Earthly life is forgetting the goal of coming here. It makes every person’s lessons difficult. In searching for an easy life we are actually resisting the lessons that will truly make life enjoyable. Use every opportunity as a lesson or guiding tool, because behind the physical mirage of this place is a map directing us to a place of unity and wisdom. When I remember to look at the map, the answer is there, I can find the next step to lead me Home.

What is an example of the way behind the structure? An interesting dream showing the god-like you. You are succeeding in wonderful ways; you are doing the things you have always wanted to do; you are performing under pressure wonderfully. You are completely alive. When the mind lets the structure get in your way you say, Oh it was just a dream.

Take some time to look at the workings behind the scenes of your life. The patterns, dreams, and synchronicity are the many ways that this creation is helping to guide humanity.